Tuesday, February 21, 2012

SXSW - South by Southwest - March 9-18, 2012

Coming Soon: SXSW is one of the great conferences of the year where people come from all over the world to attend. This year the featured events are Interactive March 9th - 13th, Film March 9th - 17th, & Music March 13th - 18th.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Video: New Honda Robot ASIMO 2012 - All features and behaviors

Robots are coming on the scene heavy lately. We believe they will be living / operating among us in the next few years. Star Wars here we come!

Apple - iPhone 4S - TV Ad - Rock God

Check out this commercial by Apple about the iPhone 4S.

Ignite Asheville NC

Asheville North Carolina is about to have their 1st Ignite on Feb 21, 2012 at the Grey Eagle. Here is a quick video introduction to the evening.


The battle for Internet "freedom" is far from over. Here is a video that explains SOPA and PIPA a little more.